Sorry I haven't updated in Forever. I haven't even been that busy. Just exceptionally lazy. I apologize. Things are going well in Germany, though passing the time on the weekends takes some inventiveness. Here are some super-quick summaries of the last month or so:
1. Dijon, France. Rainy, gray, cold, cramped, French, yet delightful:
Here, medieval Fachwerkhaeuser:

A wonderful French street. I think this is near their indoor farmer's market.

Hallo, Knut! Aside from this Eisbaer (the official protector of Dijon), there are owls all over the city, marking the delightful 2-Euro self-tour of Dijon that I insisted on completing with my poor American friends. The famous owl himself is on the corner of Dijon's Notre Dame. Rub him with your left hand for good luck!

My travel buddies, Amber and David. David and I took approximately 7 different trains coming home in a journey that lasted pretty much forever. And wasn't cheap. But fun, nonetheless.

2. A German Bundesliga game; Hoffenheim v. Hamburg, only the #1 and #2 ranked teams in the league. It was a really exciting game to watch. Hoffenheim, the underdog, played exceptionally well and earned their decisive win.

And finally, a picture of my little room. It's on the at the very top of a very long spiral staircase and just off the kitchen in my apartment. I got all the furniture for free and most of it from a woman whose mother died last year. Kind of depressing, but nice, wooden furniture! Also, my host family and I carried all of it up the four flights of spiral stairs. Fun for everyone!

Things Are Good. Generally. I saw Weinheim with an American family from Kaiserslautern this last weekend and am looking forward to Dane's visit, which should include Strasbourg, more Heidelberg, and potentially Speyer, Metz, Bad Wimpfen, Schwetzingen, Worms, Koblenz, or Trier. Mal schauen.
Take care, everyone and thanks for reading!